
Welcome to the 8th edition of HTMlles Festival! Over 30 artists and digital agitators converge on Montreal to present new media and interdisciplinary works that explore social, political, territorial, personal, and conceptual mobility. Works include public interventions, electronic music, multi-media performance art, and video and sound art installations. Artists impart tools for open source networks, DYI electronics building, live-stream web performances and artist talks, and a cheeky blurring of the lines between activism, art and the digital domain. This year HTMlles is pleased to contribute to celebrations surrounding ten years of creative digital production at StudioXX!

for detailed listing with times see:
Daytime Engagements
Evening Events

Schedule 15.10.2007. The schedule might change.
download the print-version from 15.10.2007

Entry to most events is free or by donation
Festival Opening – Wednesday 17th
Festival Launch at the Gallery Yergeau starting 15h
Welcome to the 8th Edition of the Festival HTMlles!
Public Art Lab introduces Mobicases
Kayle Brandon introduces BorderXing
Avatar Body Collision premieres DTN3:[Be] Longing
Opening: Ayesha Hameed and Nataša Teofilović
Salon Cinq à Sept: Celebrating Studio XX 10th Anniversary
17-19h at the Gallery Yergeau: Launch of the xxxboîte
Archiving 10 Years of Art and Technology Production at Studio XX
Ambience by DJ Cyan
Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th
    at Gallery OBORO: ($)
10-12h ShiftSpace; MetaWeb Hands-On by Mushon Zer-Aviv and Dan Phiffer
at Galerie La Centrale: ($)
12-16h Fri. and Sat. Electronics Crash Course: a DIY Resistance 2. Radio. Alejandra Maria Perez Nunez (10 participants; inscription contact La Centrale)
meet 14h at Monument-National:
Participatory Public Intervention led by Kayle Brandon (afternoon outdoor tour)
  meet 14h at Monument-National:
Participatory Public Intervention led by Darsha Hewitt
13-19h at the Monument-National (Café):
Web-based works: Kontrol by NOMAD, ShiftSpace by Mushon Zer-Aviv and Dan Phiffer, DPI Magazine, Public Domain of Contemporary Art: Retrospective by Tagny Duff and David Jhave Johnston, Selected Works from xxxboîte by Studio XX

15-19h at the Monument-National (Balustrade):
Tracing the Sharawadji by Andrea-Jane Cornell

13-19h at the Gallery Yergeau:
Fire, Fences and Flight by Ayesha Hameed, s.h.e. by Nataša Teofilović
Artist Talks and Demonstrations at the Monument-National (Café) 13-17h:
Mylena Bergeron and Caroline Hayeur
Rachel Echenberg
Irene Loughlin
Alejandra Maria Perez Nunez
Analog Tara
Darsha Hewitt and Bethany Or
Mushon Zer-Aviv and Dan Phiffer
Tegan Forbes
NOMAD remote!
Public Domain of Contemporary Art
Kayle Brandon
Women with Kitchen Applicances
Grrrl-Talk; an industry mixer
all welcome
Salon Cinq à Sept:
17-19h at the Monument-National (Café): Public Art Lab Mobicases Daily Updates
Evening Events:
19-22:30h Outdoor Performance at the Parc de la Paix: Grieving/Separated from Ayles Ice Shelf by Irene Loughlin

19-0h Galerie La Centrale:
by Rachel Echenberg elpueblodechina by Alejandra Maria Perez Nunez

19-3h Festival closing night performance event at La Savoy; Metropolis: ($) DJ Cyan, Mylena Bergeron and Caroline Hayeur, Freida Abtan, Analog Tara, Women with Kitchen Appliances, AGF
Artists Brunch – Sunday 21th
Private Brunch at the Gallery Yergeau starting 13h
HTMlles hosts a private brunch to thank this year's artists for sharing their work, expertise, and time. The event also serves as a farewell send-off for internationalartists and offers a last chance opportunity for partners, sponsors, presenters, curators, and other art experts to make their acquaintance. Attendance to the brunch is by invite only, and will conclude the Eighth Edition Festival in Montreal.