Avatar Body CollisionAvatar Body Collision is a globally dispersed cyberformance troupe; its four members are located in New Zealand (Vicki Smith and Helen Varley Jamieson), Finland (Leena Saarinen) and the UK (Karla Ptacek). The members have educational background in theatre, new media, visual art, design and education. The "Colliders" have been working together since 2001, exploring the creation of live performance in cyberspace. Their work investigates the role of the machine in mediating human behaviour and themes of proximity and distance, absence and presence and relationships, real, virtual and imagined. They have created eight shows so far, but have as of yet never met together live as a group. They are also the creative force behind UpStage, a web-based environment for live multi-player interactive online performances.
http://www.avatarbodycollision.org DTN3: (BE)LONGING DTN3 (Be)Longing: a meditation on self in motion Daria is stuck. She was supposed to be en route from the insular world of her village and the tatters of her personal life. She was supposed to be following those brave, glamourous heroines from the 1950s movies of her childhood – stepping out across borders to a new life in the west. But Daria is stuck. Unable to articulate any sense of 'home', nor comforted by the sentimental objects she has packed in her suitcase, her journey has been waylaid in the worst possible way. With the thematic that addresses power, ownership and modern slavery [Be]longing continues Avatar Body Collision's political performances of the DTN series. The performance is staged on UpStage their open source online performance tool. |