Myléna Bergeron and Caroline Hayeur

Mylena et CarolineCaroline Hayeur and Myléna Bergeron

> Artist talk
18 october, 1:15pm @ Monument National Cafe

Échos cités: Mapping Territories – A Shanghai Story
> Live Video and Sound Art Performance
at the Closing Night Party 20 october 7pm @ Le Savoy Metropolis

A collaboration by Caroline Hayeur and Myléna Bergeron. Hayeur works the follow-spot and video, while Bergeron plays with captured ambient sound and digital vocal treatments. Caroline Hayeur, photographer and member of, has been navigating and exploring the many
territories within the digital art terrain for many years, specializing in the intersection of music of video. She transforms, via digital tools and video, her photographs to create animations she manipulates live. Myléna Bergeron has developed a method of composition that is capable of sustaining assaults of imaginary sound and the most singular deteriorations. Focused on experimental electronic music, her practice touches on performance and sonic improvisation.
