Nataša Teofilović

Nataša Teofilović works in diverse media including experimental video, interactive performance and graphic representation of spatial settings. She
employs specific media with a contextual consciousness for the spatial, relational and political nature of the issues she is investigating. Natasa holds a Bachelor's in Architecture from the Belgrade Faculty of Architecture as well as a Masters in Digital Art, 3D animation. Her work has been presented in 13 solo shows and a large number of group exhibitions.

> Digital Animation / Video Installation
Vernissage: Opening Event 17 October 3pm-7pm @ Yergeau Gallery
Installation: Thursday 18 October to Saturday 20 October from 1pm to 7pm

s.h.e. is an interactive ambience created through an installation and a 3D character animation. The installation is built from 5 computer screens positioned at eye level. Displayed on the screens are 3D characters, facing the visitors. All 5 animations are synchronous and interlinked into a single image by using custom-made software.

The work is ambient in its nature, because the audience and the architecture of the space are a key component in the setup. The screens are set apart so that the virtual actresses, who pass from screen to screen, seemingly pass through the real space as well. Thus two spaces overlap – the virtual and the real. The s.h.e.(s) pass through our space while we pass through their’s.

Conceptually, the work is based on an analysis of the virtual space and the virtual actor. In the void-space, the virtuals are left to explore their own virtual identities. That’s why they knock on the insides of the screens, touch the edge of the picture and enter their own virtual bodies. They are “skins”, virtual membranes without any organs, with animated shaders. The elements of the personal, the private and the auto portrait are present throughout all the segments of the piece. The virtual actresses’ portraits have been derived from my own. Mimics, movements and gestures are privately mine.