Alejandra Maria Perez Nunez

elpueblodechina performance
In this live noise performance, the artist will be using sound processings and her own DIY electronic instruments to perform around the meaning of noise and its relationship to geopolitics.
date: vendredi, le 19 octobre 2007
venue: La Centrale
duration: 20hrs à 24hrs


title: Electronics Crash Course: A DIY Resistance
description: This 2-day workshop will consist of a collective experience in wiki writing, as well as the soldering of circuits. The choice of constructions include: radio transmitters, crystal radios (am receivers), microphones and hydrophones, noise generator units and amplifier units. These exercises will be combined with Pure Data software in order to allow the participants to create sonic performances.
Max amount of participants: 10
venue: La Centrale
date: 19-20 October 2007
duration: 12pm to 4 pm


Elpueblodechina a.k.a. Alejandra Perez Nunez is a chilean sound artist and performer working with FLOSS tools, electronics and text. She is currently developing a practice with radio transmitters and radio performance, recycling content from internet radio stations such as chilean feminist online radio, Radio Numero Critico . She is currently based in Europe where she has worked in cartography and the activation of social networks with Barcelona based group RedActiva (, local graffiti writers (i.e.1984), cartography practitioners around mapOmatix and Bureau d'etudes ( As a performer she develops her own instruments to improve expression and free gestures from the tyranny of the Human Computer Interface. She was recently a resident at the theremin center in Moscow where she researched sensors and radio. She also works with V2_organisation for the unstable media.

Alejandra Perez Nunez online: (performing at theremin center , Moscow)