Longterm Longtable

Public discussion/performance/dinner party
Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th, 2018
4 pm – 6 pm
At Feminist Media Studio

Artist: A.A.S.K Montreal

Longterm Longtable is a community discussion series centered around three topics: accessibility, accountability, and call-out culture. The main framework of the longtable is a public discussion/performance/dinner party. Conceived by artist Lois Weaver, there are two main rules: those seated at the table are speakers, and those not seated are listeners. Speakers eventually take their leave, allowing listeners to join the table. This will be elaborated upon by adding video chat participation, and, following the festival, formatting transcriptions into a digital publication to ensure discussions are not lost in collective memory. Going beyond the hashtag, both the format and content (suggested questions and invited guests) will set the table to explore the success of #MeToo in activating social change and its failure to adequately account for race, class, ability, and gender diversity in enabling survivors to demand accountability from communities in which they participate.

The event location can be reached via public transportation with the 51 bus from Snowdon Metro or the 105 bus from Vendome Metro.
To facilitate access, Concordia University will also provide free shuttle bus service on both days between downtown and this event on the Loyola Campus:
Downtown to Loyola: departing at 3:30 pm from Hall Building, 1455 De Maisonneuve West.
Loyola to downtown: departing at 6:30 pm from Loyola Chapel, 7137 Sherbrooke West.
If you need special assistance with transportation or childcare, please contact aask.montreal.info@gmail.com.
The event location in the CJ Building is wheelchair accessible.

For more information:
