Video screening: 3 NOV | 6 PM


The title of this program refers to the concurrent shadow stories that emerge as the videos unfold. The works interconnect with the 2016 HTMlles theme ‘Terms of Privacy’ by exploring unique narratives in sly ways. This program skirts issues of surveillance, myth creation, mapping and allusions to public/private. The artists situate themselves within a variety of real and imagined landscapes, social issues, geography(ies) and surveillance. Shadow Stories features animations, experimental narratives and works that nod to documentary without fully embracing the genre.

Digital breakdown (mixed with social media) is featured (NO WAY OUT, Johanne Wort), as are formal references to avant-garde cinema of the 1920s (LE MARE, Anastasia Ferguson) and early video technology (AURAE, Sabrina Ratté). The artists investigate the confluence of myth, geography, culture and identity (TWO SNAKES, Kristin Li / BEATS, Julia Barco / TRINITY, Kim Kielhofner) and the impact of video games (TELEPHONOPHOBIA, Sandra Araújo). There is a discussion of a dangerous landscape with explicit references to missing and murdered aboriginal women (WIN-NIP-EGG, Lamathilde). Other landscapes include a glimpse at the refugee crisis in Europe (YELLOW TEA CUP: REFUGEES AT SEA, Cheryl Pagurek) and an imaginary cityscape that envisions theoretical texts about digital theory [(RAM_CITY (MIL PANTALLAS), Clara Aparicio Yoldi]. The artists query notions of confidentiality by pointing out facets of surveillance culture.

(Image : AUREA, Sabrina Ratté)