
4 NOV | 5 NOV
Free admission | Wheelchair accessible
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Terms of Privacy is an interdisciplinary event that brings together researchers from the arts, academia and media to talk about the complicated question of privacy in a contemporary moment marked by conditions of intimate exposures. The very terms of privacy are a key sight of political struggle around self and social fashioning, control and surveillance. If technologies of surveillance don’t simply passively monitor, but preempt and produce forms of behavior, how might feminist practices disrupt and rechannel surveillance regimes through tactics of intimate exposure? For those for whom privacy was never a given to be transgressed (women of colour, trans-women, the poor, migrants, those labeled ill or differently abled) what is to be gained by reworking the terms of privacy through art, activism and agency? What are properly queer and feminist metrics for calculating the risks, rewards and pleasures of intimacy and exposure? What new media forms, practices and habits have feminists developed to account for, resist and radically enhance life under the conditions of constant monitoring, self reporting and surveillance? How do the terms of privacy not simply mark a delimited field, but actively produce subjects and conditions? Hosted by the Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies at McGill University, in collaboration with Studio XX and the HTMLLES Festival, Terms of Privacy features presentations by emerging researchers and two keynote presentations by Professor Beth Coleman of the University of Waterloo, author of Hello Avatar (MIT Press, 2011) and the contemporary artist Amalia Ulman (



9:00 > 9:30 AM: Breakfast and Opening Remarks

9:30 > 11:00 AM: Virtual Made Flesh: Artist Roundtable Discussion on Digital Media Art Practices
Nadège Grebmeier Forget, Performing social media: About — Hier est Aujourd’hui / Dayna McLeod, Uterine Concert Hall / Magdalena Olszanowski, Prurient Maternal / Fernanda Skirakawa & Natasha Felizi, Coding Rights

11:00 > 1:00 PM: Intimacy Made Public: Four Cases of Feminist Research & Writing
Alison Loader, Concordia University, Public Sights and Private Dirt: Viewing Women and the Splendid Camera Obscura / Celia Vara, Concordia University, The work of Fina Miralles: Intimate exposure as emancipatory action in the Spanish political transition / Florencia Marchetti, Concordia University, Intimate materialities: exploring embodied memories of terror through creative photographic practices / Isabel Macdonald, Concordia University, Privacy, exposure and the emergent form of “comics journalism”: Reflections on the production of a comics reportage project drawing on interviews with Haitian earthquake.

1:00 > 2:00 PM: Break

2:00 > 3:45 PM: Online Lives & Violent Acts: Violence Against Women
Lara Karaian, Carleton University, Revenge Porns’ Victims: Private Law and Protecting Sexual Integrity as a Social Good / Yuan Stevens, McGill University, Revenge Porn’s Victims: Private Law and Protecting Sexual Integrity as a Social GoodAlexandra Dodge, Carleton University, The Digital Witness: The Role of Digital Evidence in Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Violence / Anna Lauren Hoffmann, UC Berkeley, Toward a Conception of ‘Data Violence’ Data, Technology, and Trans Lives.

3:45 > 4:00 PM: Break

4:00 > 5:30 PM: Keynote Talk (Leacock 232) Professor Beth Coleman, Waterloo University



8:30 > 9:00 AM: Breakfast

9:00 > 10:45 AM: Branding the Body: Surveillance On/Off Line
Alexander Antonopoulos, Concordia University, Patronymic border crossings: Reflections on Greek-Canadian identity, transmasculine IDs and time travel, 1955-2015 / Stephanie Belmer, Vanier College, Intimate Exposures in Jill Magid’s “Evidence Locker” / Megha Sharma Sehdev, John Hopkins University, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005), India / Zachary Thomas Parker, University of North Carolina, Who’s ‘looking’? Surveillance and Queer Digital Relationality.

10:45 > 11:00 AM: Break

11:00 > 12:15 PM: Body Work: Sex Work and the Publics
Susan Driver & Zoe Newman, York University, Talk intimately/intimacy to me / Angela Yu, McGill University, Sexual/Healing: Sex Education and Social Rehabilitation in Disability and Sex Work / Robyn Maynard, Stella, misogynoir and the hyper(in) visibility of the black sex/trade.

12:15 > 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 > 2:45 PM: New Modes of Representation
Katie Saulnier, McGill University | Passing “Privilege”: Neurodivergence, Queerness, and other Secret Identities / Carolyn Bailey, McGill University | The Space of Refusal: Hito Steyerl’s How Not to be Seen / Chelsea Barnett, Independent Scholar, Imaging The Faulty Rape Victim: An Autoethnographic Viewing of Emma Sulkowitcz’s Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol / Pooja Sen, McGill University, Invisibility for the hypervisible: Hito Steyerl, military surveillance, and the performance of identity.

2:45 > 3:00 PM: Break

3:00 > 4:00 PM: Artist Keynote, Amalia Ulman

8:00 PM: Reception/Conference Closing Party at Articule


(Image : Amalia Ulman)