

Mehreen Murtaza (Lahore)


Studio XX (4001, Berri (201). Metro: Mont-Royal / Sherbrooke)

Free entrance

November 8–15, daily 12–5 PM, and during evening events at the festival HQ
Opening: Saturday, November 8, 7 PM

(President of The Imaginary Solution ; In The Glare of an Accustomed Totem ; Subspace Transmission of the Magnetically Ordained Architect)

With apocalyptic visions and machine aesthetics deeply embroiled in local folklore, mysticism and religion, what one encounters in a system of Murtaza’s world is a speculative metaphysics; a personal version of “digital philosophy”; a different vision of this tentative, emerging worldview. Her vehicle for exploring themes of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic scenarios has been religion. Based on first-hand experience and a deep interest in Islamic historicity, Islamic iconography and various past narratives have played a significant role in Murtaza’s approach.