Location: Quebec
Mois Multi - Salle Multi (Méduse)


Created by the Productions Recto-Verso in 2000, Mois Multi is an annual international event dedicated to the dissemination of multidisciplinary and media arts.

Born out of a desire to support multidisciplinary and media creation, all the while assuring the dissemination of local, national and international works, the Mois Multi is above all, a meeting and an incitement to discovery: in crossing codes of different artistic disciplines, multidisciplinary and media works give rise to new languages and hybrid creations which carry us to unexplored territories and renew our perceptive experiences. The event's spirit assures the continuation of such meetings as it wishes to be the point of encounter and convergence between the public, the artists and their works.

For its 4th edition, the Mois Multi manifests an interest for new art, that which uses new technologies, the means of remote communication and the innumerable possibilities of artistic creation that they offer, in addition to the 'abolition' of physical space. The theme of Mois Multi 2003 expresses itself graphically through the communication symbol < ... > and use of the verbs: TRANS-Code, TRANS-Form et TRANS-Port, which symbolise the multiplicity of languages, forms and means of broadcast.