Artists :: Stephanie Rothenberg
number .0004: Spring Line 2002
(United States, 2002)

Spring Line 2003 explores the tenuous relationship between use value and consumptive desire. Images of individuals are downloaded from commercial stock photo sites using a query based on age, gender and race stereotypes. The images are then digitally manipulated so as to replace the original products with 3D modeled wire frame forms. The ambiguous nature of these objects creates a speculative space asking the viewer to construct their own narrative, and rethink the role of the consumer in advertising and the cultural production of desire.

The audio track consists of a series of Rorschach style tests, wherein participants were directed to play the role of inventor and to describe possible uses for these fantasy products.


Stephanie Rothenberg uses digital mediums to create interactive public situations that critique consumer culture. Her past experiences during the apex of silicon alley contribute to her project themes of time management, efficiency and manufactured desire. Along with her creative interventions, the artist also preaches her tactical pedagogy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and in digital media workshops at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.