Artists :: Pascale Malaterre
(Quebec, 2002)

L1001S: the title of this endemic and pagan oratorio. A section of Montreal’s cemetery still under construction. In English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Instrument for a techno beat: a woman’s nose, also used as a symbol of freedom from Muslim fundamentalism. Mine was put out of joint by a blow I received at an anti-fascist demonstration (Paris, France). Blood as a tool for an erotic transgression. This ritual, intended as an accompaniment to mourning, this virtual burial inspired by The Tibetan Book of the Dead, was created at the Videographe Centre after I had the honour of giving a multimedia performance for orchestra conductor Véronique Lacroix (Ensemble Contemporaine de Montréal) in her rereading of John Cage (musical event of the year, awarded the Prix Opus 2002 by the Conseil québecois de la musique). Her enormous talent and generosity led me to understand the desire to make heard all of the world’s sounds found in the composer’s works. So, I agreed to be just a single voice within many universes.

My thanks go to C. Vandendorpe, D. Bachand, Les Automates sur la plage, Louise Poissant and H. Fischer. Also to Monique Jean, A-Louis Paré, Ambroise Vesac, Zineb, Marc Fournel, Alain.


Mother French Catalonian, father Provençal. Born in Morocco in 1964 and raised in Quebec. With a solid dramatic background (Conservatoire de Montréal, certificate in linguistics, Master’s from UQAM in the space of sound, subsequent studies in semiology and sculpture at Paris 8), Ms Malaterre concentrated her authorship in the areas of performances, installations, radio operas, poetry, videos and, since 1995, cyberspace (interactive sites, performance sites, honing of cyber feminist and anti-fascist strategies—electronic poetry/theoretic texts/juries). She was a finalist at Prix Italia in 1992 with Le Disque vert et ses clartés, directed by Hélène Provost of Radio-Canada. Head of video and multimedia section of the Festival du Cinéma québecois de Blois.

Since 1996, her Ex-Votos have been cited in doctoral theses (CIAC 1998). The Femme Cryptée site was the subject of a trial in France following death threats made against the author in the CICV-Centre Pierre Schaeffer (online magazine Synesthésie 1997).