Artists :: Maria Miranda + Norie Neumark
<Journey to the c/enter>
(Australia, 2002)

<Journey to the C/enter> is a collaborative work of <fictive> art that emerges from the Antipodes, a southern questioning of northern centres. The work invites you to /enter a world where science/fact meets science/fiction ¯ and where interaction cuts <you> between realities, letting the 'real' leak//link porously into the fictive.

This <fictive> art online offers a way of resistance that is playful and collaborative, by allowing the makers and users to explore important and serious questions in an off-centre way, that avoids the usual formulations (and disengagement with) political issues. In this mode, in this world, collaboration can shift the way works are made and engaged with.

Journey to the C/enter plays at the porous edges ¯ the edge of truth and rumour, objective and subjective realities. It is a made-up world of rumourology and a journey into scientific anomaly-- exploring questions of centres/margins, be they geographic (north+south poles) or cultural (eurocentrism and ethnocentrism). The work plays with recent web forms like vogs (video), blogs (web logs), and sound-- in a new Australian form playfully called flogs (field logs).

Following a rumour about Jules Verne in the Antipodes, the two 'scientists' Professore Rumore and Doktor Rumour, set out to find any evidence about these rumours. Through data collecting, interviews, and constant vigilance they uncover quite unexpected results. The project is in part about artists’ collaboration. It began with the collaboration between Maria Miranda and Norie Neumark. (aka Professore Rumore and Doktor Rumour) They then involved the other artists on the Solar Circuit new media residency in Tasmania, 02/2002, whose input ¯ rumours, theories, evidence of scientific anomalies etc. ¯ shaped the work. Through a guestbook you can continue to build the work. Have you heard any Jules Verne rumours?

A brief word about <fictive> art on the internet:

As Real Life TV whooshes out from the box, almost as a counterpoint, the 'other' box is awash with 'fictive' art. This growing number of art works on the internet plays with so-called 'objective' reality, revelling in the (deleuzian) virtual world, and its endless horizons of connected and distributed networks. Fictive art, a concept developed by Wolfgang Iser for literature, resonates with a growing number of internet art works. These are "works in which artists deliberately combine textual and visual [and sound] strategies to produce works that straddle the boundary between art, [and] fiction." (Antoinette LaFarge)


Maria Miranda and Norie Neumark collaborate on new media works as Out-of-Sync. Their current new media project is e/motional machines.

Maria Miranda’s previous lives have been in comix and community radio. She is currently completing a Masters of Visual Arts at Sydney College of the Arts, where she explores fictive art and new media as they intersect with Gertrude Stein / Duchamp / Fluxus and Jules Verne.

Norie Neumark is a lecturer in Media Arts at the University of Technology in Sydney. Norie has worked in community radio, as well as producing radiophonic works for the ABC. She is currently co-editing a book about the prehistory of the internet.