Artists :: Mara Verna
(Quebec, 2002)

Sarah Baartman (1789-1816) also known as The Hottentot Venus, was taken from South Africa and exhibited as a freak in Europe, until her death in Paris in 1816. Considered living proof as the missing link between the highest form of animal life and the lowest form of human life, renowned French scientist Georges Cuvier dissected her corps upon her death and for the next 150 years, Sarah's preserved brain, genitals and skeleton were on display at Le Musee de l'homme in Paris. In May 2002, Sarah's remains were finally alllowed to retun home to her descendants for burial.


On location in South Africa and France this year, artist Mara Verna presents the culmination of her work surrounding this historical figure through the site This work is in association with a travelling exhibition entitled, Rien n'a ete perdu, which opened in Paris in November 2002 (La Vtirine Gallery) and which will open at La Centrale Gallery in Montreal, in February 2003.