Tiia Johansson : Words



People, please be interactive, scratch my little scratched movies- recycling can save the world, but make sure that you save it in the right folder...

I am scratching the net, I am copying the net, I am pasteing the net, I am happy again...

I scratch from you and you can scratch from me, welcome to netlife !!! If you have or you know any good material to be scratched, reedited or remixed, please send me a link to xtiiax@hotmail.com Sorry to the authors, but you are not supposed to put anything into the net, if you are afraid of scratching, we are living the postcopyright era, you know...
1984-87 studies in Tartu University majoring on Art History
1988-94 studies in Tallinn Art University majoring on painting
1990 spring term in the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki majoring on video art
1994 studies of MFA program in the Estonian Academy of Arts with the theme "Marginal Status in Digital Age"
1997 MFA Degree


1998 Estonian and Finnish artists in Vääna Beach, Estonia, "Boundary Crossings", land-art symposion,
1998 Muu Media Festival (collaborative project) Helsinki, Finland
1998 1st Cyber Exhibition in Seoul, Korea
1998 "WHO & HOW " HYDE PARK (The Internet Gallery of Multimedia Miniatures) Warsaw, Poland - AWARDED MENTION
1998 "Art Agora" Istanbul, Turkey
1998 The International Festival of New Film Split, Croatia
1998 Art on the Net 1998 "The Age of Streaming Media " Tokyo, Japan - BRONZE PRIZE
1998 UNESCO Web Prize 1998 Submitted Projects
1998 "ISEA 98", Liverpool and Manchester, Great Britain - TOP 20 WEBSITES
1998 "VIPER 98" Zurich, Switzerland
1998 "Pœrnu 3rd Film Festival " Pœrnu, Estonia
1998 "Open Spaces/Linked Locations " "NOMADNET"Washington DC, USA
1998 RHIZOME- INTERNET "The Best of 2 Worlds", Spain

1997 Estonian Video Art in Tartu Art Museum
1997 5th annual exhibition of Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia
1997 "Operation B -Tallinn Burns" B-Film Festival, Tallinn, Estonia
1997 L'immagine leggera - Palermo International Videoart, Film and Media Festival (video a´la carte), Italy
1997 French-Baltic-Nordic video art festival, Vilnius - GRAND PRIX
1997 The International Electronic Media Forum "Ostranenie 97" in Dessau, Germany
catalogue page: http://www.ostranenie.org/katalog.html?seite=k0023.kat

1996 IV French-Baltic Video Art Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania
1996 Matti Milius´ art collection in Estonian National Library, Estonia
1996 "Estonia as a sign" - 4th annual exhibition of Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts, Estonia
1996 group exhibition "Wien-Tallinn" - "Electronic Gallery" in "Sammas" art gallery, Estonia

1995 Tallinn Art School´s 20th jubilee exhibition, Estonia
1995 exhibition (with R. Kelomees) in Bangkok, Thailand

1994 taking part in Moscow video art festival "Wandering In Midnight Darkness", Moscow, Russia
1994 exhibition "S & K 4 - Kind of Emptiness" in "Vaal" art gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
1994 group exhibition in Kœsmu, Estonia

1993 exhibition of Estonian Young Artists "Noise" in Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia
1993 virtual exhibition "S & K 3" in Pirita Beach, Tallinn, Estonia
1993 Artists' Family Exhibition, Tallinn, Estonia
1993 art collector Matti Milius' Days in Tartu, Estonia
1993-1994 taking part in French-Baltic video art festival, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

1992 group exhibition "S & K 2 - ARTMIX" in Tallinn, Estonia
1992 personal exhibition "METAPAINTING" in "Vana-Viru" art gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
1992 group exhibition "The WAX Academy" in the Memorial Museum of AH Tammsaare, Tallinn, Estonia
1992 exhibition in Tallinn Youth Center (with Raivo Kelomees), Tallinn, Estonia

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