Maid in Cyberspace

Maid in Cyberspace - Encore! is Studio XX's 2nd annual international festival of web art by women.

Maid in Cyberspace - Encore! will be held November 6th to 28th, 1998
Tueday to Saturday noon to 6pm
at Belgo 410, 372 Ste-Catherine West, #410, Montréal.

Eleven women artists from Canada (Montréal, Toronto, Calgary), New York, Australia, England, Scotland, and Estonia will present web art projects in the festival.

Web art treats the Internet as a specific medium for creation and expression - a medium which is a relatively new one for art. Explore its boundaries:

at the festival
During the festival, visitors are invited to view the various web art projects at their leisure on a fast Internet connection. Documentation about the projects and the artists will be available.

at home
All projects will be viewable on the web from the opening date of the festival at:

Events :
Vernissage : November 6th, 6 - 9pm. Snack, sip Napoleonic battle cocktails, surf the projects. Aural fixations provided thru a Hot Streaming Radio performance by <CCS>, an experimental sound collective that grooves on netcasting projects. The show will be a collaborative live stream from NYC and Banff, to Montreal. <CCS>, is Yvanne Faught & Susan Kennard.

November 14th. 1-3pm: Curly, Larry & PoMo (situating cyberfeminism within contemporary culture).
4-6pm:the $9.95 Project (or how to build interactive media art for $9.95). With invited speaker Nancy Paterson; electronic media artist, (of the Internet based Stock Market Skirt installation), teacher, and Associate Artist at the Bell Centre for Creative Communications in Toronto.

Nancy Paterson, The Stock Market Skirt Nancy Paterson, Stock Market Skirt

November 21st, 2pm. Ingrid Hein on up and coming web toys and tricks for artists, etc… along with presentations by local artists Pascale Trudel and JR Carpenter and the Maid jury.

November 28th, 12:30 pm. Russian Forum North/North: East - West (8:30pm Moscow Time). Returning from the First Cyberfeminism Symposium in Russia, Katherine Liberovskaya will unite women involved in web art from Montreal, St-Petersburg, and possibly Siberia - artists, as well as curators, organisers and theorists - in a on-line LIVE forum. The forum will address "East" & "West" women's perspectives and visions on the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of the Internet for creative expression. Concurrently, a special curated selection of Russian women's web art will be presented.

Maid artists:

a grammar of signs has replaced a botany of symptoms - JR Carpenter (Canada)
HIGH :RISE - Isabel Chang (US)
Holes-Linings-Threads - Alicia Felberbaum (Britain)
Encounter - Beverly Hood (Scotland)
Words - Tiia Johannson (Estonia)
Shifting - Tina LaPorta (US)
Soundwalks - Andra McCartney (Canada)
Please Stay on the Line - Juliet Ann Martin (US)
Diagnostic Tools for the New Millenium - Josephine Starrs (Australia)
Synchronicité - Pascale Trudel (Canada)
Positive - Sheila Urbanoski (Canada)

For Information:
Studio XX

Maid in Cyberspace - Encore!
2nd International Festival of women's web art
November 6th to 28th, 1998
372, Ste-Catherine West, #410
Montréal (Québec)

HIGH :RISE, Isabelle Chang High Rise Cards and Holes Cards and Holes, Alicia Felberbaum

Studio XX would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec,
and le Conseil des arts communauté urbaine de montréal.